Psychology Department, a royal department in our college has its own pursuit in its academies and extra-curricular sphere. Being established in the academic year 1985, the department offers a high-quality teaching learning experience and an orientation towards research and skill building through the curriculum as well as the co-curricular activities.

            The department commits itself to helping students explore the field of psychology within & beyond the syllabus. This is achieved through class teaching, seminars by eminent Indian and Foreign Scholars/ Professors, screening of movies with discussion, field visit etc.

            The department of psychology offers BA(Hons) Psychology and also Psychology Elective. This course sensitizes students to understand their behavior, personality and tries to inculcate various personal & psychological skills. It shapes students thinking in such a way that they can describe & explain human behavior within a scientific paradigm & approach. Students learn about the history of the discipline, its theoretical foundation and its many branches including clinical, counselling, positive, organizational, psychology of disability, criminal etc. Given the applied nature of the subject, theoretical course is accompanied by its variety of practical courses.

            The course is also designed to help students in developing analytical abilities by encouraging them to conduct research projects. The faculty also participate along with the students in different seminars, workshops & conferences both in online and offline mode. The department organized a National Seminar on “Gerontological issues: a Humanitarian Approach” on 25th and 26th august 2013. The department also organized various seminars on varied topics by inviting distinguished and reputed personalities in the field of psychology like Prof. J.P. Das, the world renowned Professor (Emeritus) of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Prof. Irina Pervova, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, Prof. Rhee (Emeritus, Chung-arg, University in Seoul Korea)  Prof. Mamata Mohapatra, AMITY University, NOIDA, Prof. Laxmi Rani, Bihar, Prof. Nibedita Jena, Director, Higher Education Odisha, Prof. J.K. Dash , Rtd. Principal, Banki, Prof. Haresh Ch. Mishra, Visiting Faculty, Utakl University, Prof. Banamali Mohanty, Utkal University, Prof. F.M. Sahoo, Utkal University, Prof. Pravash Ku. Mishra, Utkal University, Prof. A.K. Mitra, Sambalpur University, Prof. Rekha Nariwal, Calcutta University, Prof. Ajit ku. Mishra, Utkal University, Prof. B. Das, BJB Auto. College, Prof. Anjum, Bihar, Prof. Deepak Ray, Prof. Chandna Bhanu Pattanaik, Prof. H. Panda, Vice-Chancellor, Centurian University, Prof. Santa Mishra, Rtd. Principal, Bhubaneswar.

  • To impart quality education, enhance research programs, updating skills and inculcating values, ethics among students.
  • To monitor pedagogical and curricular developments in higher education in general and Psychology in particular in order to maintain and improve the quality of the program.
  • To provide utmost priority to enrich students and teachers with experiences that build them as individual.

  • To provide an excellent education for the undergraduate courses.
  • Encourage the overall and dynamic personality development of students.
  • Create awareness about mental health.
  • Enhancing the research activities in the department.
  • To promote human development, learning, health, and well-being through high quality education, research, and services;
  • To foster the spirit of creative inquiry by improving our students’ ability to read, write and think critically about enduring and emerging issues of psychology and human relationships.
  • To nurture students to become intellectually competent through scientific studies of human behaviour, emotion, and thought.
  • To empower students psychologically & socially by teaching them how to use psychological knowledge in order to serve society as well as humanity.

Job Opportunities

          At the graduate level, psychology as honors subject is offered in almost all recognized university in the country. In its specialized branches psychology offers scope for further professional studies.

          Psychology graduates can easily find jobs in private and government sectors, including various universities, schools, hospitals, clinics, govt agencies etc. They can also find faculty positions in college & universities after completing their Masters & clearing NET.

      Employment in psychology is expected to rise in a few years. Many of the job opportunities will open in the clinic. Rising demand in health care centers, social health services, schools and colleges, Industries will lead to the growth of employment in the psychology sector.

1.  Dr. Suprava Mohanty    
2.  Mrs. Nirupama Rath    
3.  Dr. Santa Mishra    
4.  Dr. Niharika Das    

Faculty Profile

SL NO. NAME Designation Qualification Date of Joining in Service Date of Joining in this institution Experience Contact No.
1.        Dr. Niharika Das Reader and HOD M.A., Ph.D. 26.02.1991 24.07.2013 31 9437517119
2.        Mrs. Santwana Mohanty Lecturer M.A., M.Phil, MBA 06.10.2017 06.10.2017 5 9437764330
3.        Mrs. Meena Mohanty Demonstrator M.A.        


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Bird’s Eye View 2015-16

Bird’s Eye View 2016-17

Bird’s Eye View 2017-18

Seminar Pics 







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