Welcome to Our Department



The Department of Botany was established in 2016.


To disseminate and apply knowledge of plant science to everyday life for the betterment of society  .


Impart quality education in the field of plant sciences & to sensitize students towards the need for conserving natural resources.

The study of Botany is vital as plants are a fundamental part of life on Earth. The curriculum for the B.Sc. Botany Programme has been designed with an aim of encouraging the broad instructional goals and to support the growing demands and challenging trends in the educational scenario. It targets at providing an environment that encourages, promotes and stimulates the intellectual, professional and personal development of the student. The curriculum caters to the all-round development of the student, preparing globally ready individuals into the fast pacing world. A three-year bachelor’s degree program in Botany provides the foundation for prospective botanists to pursue a graduate level education or find an entry-level career.

1.     Goals/Objectives of Department:-

  • A holistic development and academic excellence to contribute effectively to the understanding of the subject.
  • To develop an aptitude towards science and nature.
  • To equip the students with the basic skills in identifying and labelling different 
  • To impart quality education in the field of Botany enabling our students to confidently face the job market.
  • To sensitize the students towards the need for keeping the environment clean and conserve our natural resources.
  • To equip young girls for self employment.


2.     Future Career Prospects:-

  Since the plant life nowadays is faced with more environmental issues the scope and importance of Botanists have improved considerably. On completion of B.Sc. Botany course a candidate can opt for a career as Biological technician while on completion of M.Sc. Botany course a candidate can opt for career in teaching or they can also opt for research work in Universities and other institutions.

 3 .     Job avenues for B.Sc. Botany Graduates:-

  • Plant Pathologists
  • Farming Consultant
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Molecular Biologist
  • Plant Biochemist
  • Taxonomist
  • Nursery Manager
  • Forester/ Park Ranger
  • Conservationist


Faculty Details :

Name : Saibalini Behera                                       Name : Dr Mausumi Madhusmita Pattnaik 

                M.Sc , M.Phil                                                               M. Sc , Phd  

               Lecturer ,  HOD                                                            Lecturer        


Facilities and Infrastructure :

Botany lab has well ventilated, well equipped laboratory , internet provision and well maintained departmental Library

Facilities and Infrastructure :

Botany lab has well ventilated, well equipped laboratory , internet provision and well maintained departmental Library


Job traning and Industrial Visit :

Department of botany organized an industrial visit and Job traning program to BIONIC PROPERTIES Pvt.

On 24 December 2021 .

Students were trained about Mushroom spawn production , cultivation and organic farming .

Seminars conducted by botany department :

In developing analytical abilities by encouraging them to conduct research projects. The faculty also participate along with the students in different seminars, workshops & conferences both in online and offline mode. The department organized seminars along with students inviting resource person time to time to enhance the communication and knowledge of the students .


    Students, who study only English language with its emphasis on reading and writing skills, sometimes fail to see the point of studying English literature. But English Literature can introduce students to a range of aspects, not only of the English language but also of English culture.