Rules & Regulation
1.The academic session of the college is from June to May.
2.Before a student is admitted to the college she or her guardian will have to sign an undertaking to the proper form to the effect that student will abide by the rules of the college.
3.Each student must register in the college office the address at which she lives. Any change in the address must be intimated to the office in writing.
4.As soon as the practical /proctorial groups are formed and notified it is the duty of a student to find out the particular group to which she has been assigned if she is not included in any of the groups she must bring the fact in writing to the notice of the lecturer in charge of time table. All applications to the principal regarding free ship or exemption from and any other matter relating to her studies in the college will be routed to the proctor.
5.No student is allowed to absent herself from the college without obtaining prior permission.
6.The name of the student will be struck off if she remains absent consecutively for more than ten days from any class. Particularly they will be disallowed to continue in honour class.
7.Fees are received in the college office on the working days in the fixed time for collection. Students shall tender the exact amount of their dues and should stand in a queue while waiting near an office counter for depositing their fees.
8.Any student who absents herself from any college examination without being permitted exemption by the principal will be liable for punishment. Which is to be determined by the principal and staff council? Willful absence from any such examination will make her liable to be detained.
9.When a team of students is deputed by the college for any reason, member of the team and students accompanying the team must obtain prior permission from the principal.
10.No club or society should be started or maintained in the college and no function should be organized without the approval of the principal.
11.Misbehavior of college students will be regarded as a breach of college discipline. Any breach of discipline may be punished.
12.Bicycles and two-wheelers must be locked and kept in the sheds provided. In no case these should be kept any where on the college verandahs or in the college portico.
13.Students are advised to meet the concerned head of departments in the matters relating honours and other departmental affairs.
14.Students shall abide by such hygienic principals and submit themselves to such anti epidemic procedure as would be laid down by the principal.
15.University &CHSE certificates are issued every day in college hour.